Last February 18-20, an opportunity had been provided, through Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan, to return to Guinsaugon. This was in time with the anniversary of the tragedy. Anniversaries of tragedies can be difficult times for many people. For some it is a powerful reminder of a loss and for others it is a milestone in recovery. Through the grace of God, UGAT had been able to organized a counseling team of 13, mostly Cebuanos, to assist in a follow-up psychosocial mission to Leyte.
The following are some of the highlights of the mission:
1. An Internal Capability Building Seminar on the different seminar-workshops was held February 8-9, 2007, 6pm to 9pm at the Multi-purpose Hall of Stella Maris Seaman’s Center, Pier 4 in Cebu City. Participants were local counselors both from the parish level and the local schools. The meet served to:
a. Orient the new volunteers and update old volunteers on the Guinsaugon situation
b. Extend the invitation to local counselors to assist in the mission
c. Finalize the members of the mission team.
d. Leveling of counseling skills
e. Orientation to the modules to be used in the formation-seminars.
There were 18 participants on the first day (February 8) and 16 participants on the second day (February 9). The group was organized by Ms. Florina Mercader of the Family Resource Group-Cebu.

2. The seminars:
2.1. Seminar-Workshop on Building Survivor Famiies
This Formation-seminar, intended to build the resilience of the family unit after the tragedy, was held at the ABC Hall of St. Bernard’s Municipal Hall February 19, 2007, from 09:00am to 04:00pm. It was attended by 57 survivors.

2.2. Seminar-Workshop on Solo Parenting for Men
This Formation-seminar, intended to build the support system among male survivors after the tragedy, was held at the ABC Hall of St. Bernard’s Municipal Hall February 20, 2007, from 08:00am to 12:00pm. It was attended by 9 male solo parents. There were also 3 female participants.

2.3. Care for Blended Families
This Formation-seminar, intended to build the support system among widows and widowers from the tragedy who have remarried. It was held at the ABC Hall of St. Bernard’s Municipal Hall February 20, 2007, from 01:00pm to 4:00pm. It was attended by 5 participants.
2.4. Peer Counseling Training for Youth Leaders in St. Bernard
Through Plan International, UGAT also gave a Peer Counseling Training for the Youth Leaders in St. Bernard. This seminar-workshop was held at the Cristo Rey High School Old Convent and was attended by 44 participants.

3. Special thanks to the following people who have made this project a reality:
* Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan: Br. Javi Alpasa, SJ, Br. EJ Gerilla, SJ, R.C. Batac, Pao Legaspi and Bernie Aton.
* To our volunteer counselors who gave their time and energy: Lyra Versoza of the Psychology Department of Ateneo de Manila, Warlit Fonatanoza, Raul Fontanoza, Louie Dungog, Romy Lim, Tessie Lim and Josie Simbajon of the Family Resource Group in Cebu, Abigail Laurente and Marwen Castaneda of the University of San Carlos in Cebu and Ms. Annie Manzano of the University of the Philippines in Cebu.
* To Ms. Florina Mercader of the Family Resource Group in her efforts in organizing this team.
* To Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Cristine Veloso, and Mr. Pepe Cinco of Gawad Kalinga for all your assistance in local organizing.
* To Fr. Manny Lagumbay of the Parish Social Action in St. Bernard
* To Mr. Baltz Tribunalo, Jr. and Ms. Jojo Canisguin of Plan International
and *Ms. Celsa Mondalla for her generous loan of her home.